Fluence is an open application platforms, where apps can build on each other, share data and users. The platform is powered by a peer-to-peer computing protocol and the new programming language which radically simplifies the building and composing applications. Fluence is an open alternative to cloud platforms and proprietary APIs and our mission is to empower global collaboration and innovation.

Learn to overcome the limitations of client-server architecture and enable continued innovation of internet applications. Fluence moves authentication to the network protocol layer and allows the expression of complex distributed systems as language primitives, simplifying the creation of many web applications. The protocol components (FCE, DHT, TrustGraph, Consensus layer) combined together compose a unique developer experience expressed in Aquamarine, opening new distributed application architectures.

Program of the tutorial

The tutorial consists of two parts: introductory and applicatory. We will learn how to build and compose open applications with Fluence protocol and the Aquamarine language.

Introduction part

Intro talk: Open Applications Infrastructure.

Fluence is an open application platform powered by peer-to-peer computing protocol and a decentralized licensing system. Fluence enables developers to host applications in the decentralized network and collaborate on live applications, reusing components and data. The protocol creates an open marketplace of compute capacity, so availability and pricing are not controlled by a single company and instead are driven by competitive market forces.

Applications are faster to build, easier to integrate, and more secure due to the enhanced composability. Business logic is incorporated into data packets orchestrating the execution of distributed components. Just as code collaboration creates better products, composition via network protocol enables live apps to be forked, expanded, or re-arranged into new and enhanced user experiences.

Speaker: Evgeny Ponomarev

Applicable part

Aquamarine: a new programming language for coordination in π2π networks

Aquamarine is the multi-process composition medium based on pi-calculus, designed for distributed applications/backends, both in private deployments and open networks. Aquamarine scripts define the topology of the execution (when and where to move control flow) and data dependency graph (what results and what arguments to pass where), essentially describing the composition of (micro)services, e.g. using one service’s output as another service’s input. The language primitives are based on pi-calculus operations describing certain topological effects and secured by cryptographic signatures of involved peers. The Aquamarine approach allows building distributed systems of any complexity, effectively expressing network behaviour.

Speaker: Dmitry Kurinskiy

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Tue 23 Mar

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16:00 - 16:30
Intro talk: Open Applications InfrastructureOAF at Virtual Space B
Chair(s): Evgeny Ponomarev , Alexey Pyshnenko
Intro talk: Open Applications Infrastructure
Link to publication
17:00 - 19:00
Hands-on π2π network choreographyOAF at Virtual Space B
Chair(s): Dmitry Kurinskiy
Aquamarine: a new programming language for coordination in π2π networks
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